Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mono No Aware

A forlorn realization of the transience of all things. No matter what you accomplish, it will all turn to dust. Nothing more than a speck on a grain of sand, in the infinite desert of the universe. What is the purpose of life? There is none. You can create one, but life doesn't care. It doesn't matter to it whether or not you create your purpose. But it does matter to you. Without your purpose you have nothing to do anything for. Well, in a world where there is absolutely nothing I can do to impact it, I might as well do my best to enjoy life to the fullest. No matter how difficult that may be. I, too, see my fading away. It is terrifying. It cannot be stopped. When there is nothing you can do to prevent something, your best option is to embrace it.

Have a day.

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