Saturday, November 30, 2013

Expect Nothing, Hope for Everything

    There is a plague in this world. We all go through life being disappointed. We get our hopes expectations up for something, and they are dashed. Let's face it, no matter what you try, no matter what you do, this world isn't perfect. No matter how high you put your expectations, some things aren't going to work out smoothly. That is why you expect the worst. That is why you rely on your expectations. It is hard to not expect anything at times, but it is much easier not to put your whole life around your expectations. If you constantly set your expectations too high, you'll be disappointed. I can just about guarantee that. I personally have a hard time setting my expectations ridiculously low, since part of me knows better (even when that part of me is wrong). So what I do, is just don't rely on my expectations. When my expectations are too high for the situation, I can't say I really care that much. But when my expectations are too low, I get to be pleasantly surprised nevertheless.

     Two words people get mixed up are "hope" and "expectation". When your hopes don't come true, you may think something on the line of, "Shucks, that didn't happen", but you get over it. If you are expecting something and it turns out not to come true, you get disappointed. Results of disappointment may include, but are not limited to, lack of appetite, poor mood, laziness and lack of motivation, lack of creativity, anxiety, displeasure, or life seeming to just generally suck. Having absolutely no expectations is ideal, but I have a hard time not expecting anything in a given situation. Setting your expectations too low is good too, but if you really believe your expectations they still may inhibit you from doing things as effectively as possible, with them high or low. My solution is to just take your expectations with a grain of sand. For example, if you are a business owner and you expect your employees to all be on time, those expectations may or may not come true. If they don't, then don't get bent about it. Things happen. Maybe that late employee had to take care of their children, or got stuck in traffic during a five-car-wreck, or a million other things. (My personal opinion is to not even act bent with the employee, you want them to like you, not fear you, however that is for another time. Go thru life care-free but caring.) Anyway, if all your employees are on time, then be thankful for that. Tell your employees nice job for being on time. Things will get on your nerves about a thousand times the amount if you base the totality of existence on your expectations.

     I know it's a bit of an abrupt ending, but that's all. I hope (but don't necessarily expect) you to have a nice day!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Quick Summary Of This Blog

Just thought I would mention that this blog was originally created when I was about seven. At the time I thought dragons were real, and I was totally obsessed with them too. They were the most wonderful concept in the entire universe! I knew the difference between a Chinese dragon and a Tibetan dragon before I could even pronounce the word Tibetan. So it came to be that I made a blog about the wonderful, the MYSTERIOUS CREATURES of this world. Yea, I could've changed the URL if I wanted to, but again, this blog is now dedicated to my growth and maturity. I figure that the URL represents the earliest time of my blog. Later, after I grew out of my dragon phase, I started playing Spore. That game was fun to the fun'th power. I got to create my own creatures, and evolve them. Much of their stories were stored either in my noggin or in the game, but I wrote some stories about the creatures I made. I figured that Mystery Creatures was still a fitting title for the blog, since my creations were pretty mysterious...

After that my blog became used solely for the purpose of pictures, since Blogger is amazing about picture uploading. 

Finally, now, the present. So say hello to future me, as only me in the future will read what you comment in return about this post. (Unless I become the Doctor!)

So, have a nice day. Or tomorrow. Or yesterday....

Truth Within the Lies, Guilt

     I lie. I probably lie an unhealthy amount. But there is truth within my lies. I always know what I mean and mean what I say, and if you don't know what I say then I'll enjoy watching you figure it out. If I say ABC, I may mean XYZ. Yes, this is a lie. Or is it? Maybe it is merely a metaphor. Because I doubt that you will understand XYZ, I substitute ABC in for the sake of simplicity. Lets make it a bit less alphabetical. Say you have never seen a pear before. I could spend fifteen minute explaining it to you, all of it's qualities, or I could just tell you it is a sweet apple. You could see this in many ways, as a lie, a metaphor, a form of description, or crazy talk. My intention with statements such as these is to clarify that object without directly explaining it - again, I suspect that this process would take time compared to just calling it a sweet apple.

     Also, it's my job here to do the descriptions. Tis part of the reason for this blog. The world must know how my brain turns! 

Right click and "Copy Image URL" to go to the source.

     In addition to my obsession with lying, I can be rather vague in my statements. Now this is a legitimate problem of mine, being vague. (Am I spelling that right?) My vagueness has lead to the severe misinterpretations of statements that I have made. The lacking of words such as "in general" or "sometimes" may lead people to believe that I am one to stereotype, despite the fact that I do my best to avoid stereotyping and stereotypes. (My Little Pony Season 4 comes out in under 5 days, No Shave November is yielding a beard.) I can say one thing, but people get the wrong impression. If you read an earlier post of mine, I go into this in a little more detail about how people don't get my sense of humor or don't understand what I am saying (where I also rant about something that needed to by ranted about even though other may find it offensive. Again, if you are offended by it, my apologies, but it is my personal blog where I show my growth, development and maturing throughout time. So if you are offended by what I say, I will dismiss it as you misinterpreting what I say (since it is not intended to be offensive, yes this is a list of things to clarify upon within parentheses, I wrote a post about how I am offensive too, my little pun outside of parentheses was intentional.)

On a totally different topic (I was going to make a separate post about this, but I've been procrastinating on this topic forever so I might as well do it now), GUILT.

I feel so guilty about everything I say and do. Any and everything! I say something remotely unkind, I feel guilty for a year! I feel guilty about things I didn't do, or things I did when I was incapable of doing anything else. I feel guilty for insulting people on the internet even when I say I'm joking. I feel guilty for insulting people in real life, even when I'm joking! I feel guilty for lying! I feel guilty for making jokes, even if they were funny! I feel guilty for hidng the truth! Heck, I even feel guilty for making this post when I should be doing homework! I feel guilty for overusing exclamation marks! I feel guilty for feeling guilty even! How crazy is that???

But, as you may have noticed if you bothered to read that small list of things I am guilty for doing, I don't stop. Sometimes I just don't stop lying. I don't stop using exclamation marks. I don't stop making this post. I don't stop doing things I know I shouldn't do. And the only thing I can do to make myself feel better about this guilt train is talk about it with other people, which I feel guilty for doing even then. No, I am not trying to be "manly", but I hate doing it. And I feel guilty for the hate! It is endless, unstoppable, and I can never get over it without someone's help. But I refuse the help to my last breath. Going back to my lying, I lie about absolutely trivial matters that I don't care about. I lied about what I learned in school for absolutely no reason! I learned something in school and it would've been just as valid to say that, but for whatever reason I lied about it. And that makes me feel guilty. How is it possible for me to make it stop alone? I cannot ask anyone that, for I would be asking for help, which my subconscious refuses. I don't refuse help when it comes to something like a school project or whatever, but my mind is so stubborn about it's psychology, that it mustn't change despite the guilt that I go through every day. I say something rude to somebody's face and I regret it for a year. I made a snide comment about a kid I knew in sixth grade and I still feel guilt for it! I made a rude comment about somebody last year ON ACCIDENT, AND I APOLOGIZED FOR IT, and I still feel guilty about it today. If a method such as Confession worked, I would have to spend weeks confessing everything I feel guilty for. It's because of my damned standards. I have such low standards and expectations for everyone else, but not for me. So please, don't tell me to shut up here. This is the one place of confession, the one place where I can have a bit of self pity and not feel overly guilty for that. It is the little flame that keeps me alive in the Winter. But Spring is coming soon! I can feel it. (Know that I mean these seasons metaphorically, I know Winter hasn't arrived at the time of this post.)

And thats how Equestria was Made: I feel guilty about everything, I lie all the time, I pity myself too much.

And, as always, have a fantastically fabulous day.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Post in 60 Seconds

Quick! Only 45 seconds left! I am doing well today, comment about how well you are. I am making this very fast post because I really wanted to post something in addition to my rant and I actually spelled addition wrong accidentally it looked like addiction, it may have been a freudian slip, but probably not since I'm not addicted to things and yes this is a run-on sentence and oh crap I just went over a minute.

(Edit: Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!)

Sarcasm, Cynicism, and Joking

     Online it is different, but in real life about 60% of what I say is either sarcastic, cynical, or a joke, or a combination of the three. I will say things perfectly seriously like, "Because complaining will get you anything," and I assume that the people around me are intelligent enough to know that I'm joking. I say this because it is SO FREAKING OBVIOUS (to me at least) that I am joking when I say that. The reason why I think this is obvious, is it is well know by any mature human being that complaining does not solve your problems. In fact, often complaining makes your problems worse. (That's why I'm complaining right now :) The humor in a statement like the earlier one is that it is so silly and ridiculous to say such a thing that people may find it to be adequately humorous. If I am wrong, tell me, please. However, my brain is one to categorize the people I know into categories such as "will get my humor" or "won't get my humor" and I treat these people accordingly. I am not saying that one is inferior to the other, I am merely commenting on my expectations. Another thing about my brain, it doesn't like incorrectly categorizing things. Especially when all evidence is in favor of one, but they act the other way.

    For example, an anonymous friend took the joke I made earlier in this post dead seriously, and not only that but she countered my clearly joking statement by whining at me, even after I told her that I was joking and being sarcastic. Not only is it plain bucking rude to be obnoxious about your counter argument, which I dislike already, but you showed me that my brain had categorized you wrong. This is incredibly annoying for me, which is why I am writing this post. So please fit into my nice categorized boxes of people that divide everyone up into various sections based on qualities I know about them.

     Also, yes I am cynical about general subjects like "the government" or whatever, and I can be a bit blunt about something, but I do my best not to be rude. Do you know why? It isn't out of respect, but out of courtesy. I treat other human being as human beings, and I expect to be treated the same way. Respect is something I give to those worthy, but every human being and to an extent every living being has my courtesy. I will open the door for you if I am in front of you (unless you're like a tree or something), I will invite you to sit down at my couch if you come to my house, and I will strike up a conversation in a hopefully engaging manner. I expect to have the same courtesy in return, if not to the extent of opening a door for me, at least to the point where you will have the decentness in you to not be downright rude in a polite context. Therefore, I expect you to not being incredibly obnoxious in my face over a relatively trivial matter that you are not even connected to, and additionally hope that you will not be sarcastic all the time. I said I am sarcastic about 60% of the time, not all the time. You don't have to make an asshole comment every time I say a word. Hopefully you know who you are, person that I know, even though you don't read this blog, nor does anyone else.

(Note: I will be especially blunt on my blog, bordering on rude. So don't be offended by what I say ^^,)

I don't want this to be a big boring block of text, so here's a picture:

     Anyways, the rant I was on before this sub-rant that made me want to post this instead of doing my Algebra II homework was a not-so-trivial one in my opinion:

     Many people don't wash their hands after taking a leak, and I don't judge for that. But could you please make it possible for a clean person like me to wash his hands after I piss? Is it really so hard to have that? McDonalds has soap, lavatories on airplanes have soap, so why can't my local high school have a single soap dispenser? Is it really to difficult for the janitor to give the boys some soap to use? I have had to beg my classmates for Germ-X because nobody is generous enough to donate Germ-X to the classroom and, of course, all the bathrooms are out of soap. Yea, 900-ish guys use that place and yes, probably one or more of them will screw around with the soap dispenser. But I need to wash my hands. It is basic hygiene. If the janitor is too damn lazy to replace the soap dispenser, that is his fault and my school needs a new janitor. However, isn't necessarily the case, is it? It could be, perhaps, that new soap isn't in the bathrooms because the janitor isn't being paid enough. Who is responsible for that? The school district. Yes, the school district should also be paying the janitor more, and they should fix that for certain. However, their funds are a bit limited too. They have to get by with what they have. Do you know why the school district has so little money? Because the United States government is too focused with making money to corporations and the sort by spending so much money on the military and about jack squat on the education. Therefore, I conclude that the government is responsible for the lack of hygiene in my school.

     (Note to everyone: This is an extension of my humor. I enjoy writing partially fake and partially real rants about my problems in real life. I don't actually blame the government for the lack of soap in my high school. However, I do want there to BE soap in the bathrooms soon. So do it, please, my school!)

    Also, a few other clarifications about this possibly confusing post:

• If I don't think you understand my humor I will try to avoid it, I do not think you are inferior to me in any way, you are my equal in every way. I just don't expect you to see when I am joking.
• I am not angry at the person I am referring to in this post, conversations with this individual can be a bit troublesome or tedious for me due to the miscommunications that occur.
• I really do want the soap issue fixed, but I do not blame the US government for the lack of soap.
• This post as a whole is not a joke, but the second rant (the one that starts off with "Many people don't...") is an example of some of my more indirect humor that I believe some people would either be offended by, simply wouldn't get, or would take too seriously.
• If you think you know who you are and you were really bored enough to read this entire post, do tell me.

...And that's how Equestria was made: FIX THE SOAP DISPENSERS, DON'T MISINTERPRET WHAT I SAY!

And, as always, have a good day.