Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sarcasm, Cynicism, and Joking

     Online it is different, but in real life about 60% of what I say is either sarcastic, cynical, or a joke, or a combination of the three. I will say things perfectly seriously like, "Because complaining will get you anything," and I assume that the people around me are intelligent enough to know that I'm joking. I say this because it is SO FREAKING OBVIOUS (to me at least) that I am joking when I say that. The reason why I think this is obvious, is it is well know by any mature human being that complaining does not solve your problems. In fact, often complaining makes your problems worse. (That's why I'm complaining right now :) The humor in a statement like the earlier one is that it is so silly and ridiculous to say such a thing that people may find it to be adequately humorous. If I am wrong, tell me, please. However, my brain is one to categorize the people I know into categories such as "will get my humor" or "won't get my humor" and I treat these people accordingly. I am not saying that one is inferior to the other, I am merely commenting on my expectations. Another thing about my brain, it doesn't like incorrectly categorizing things. Especially when all evidence is in favor of one, but they act the other way.

    For example, an anonymous friend took the joke I made earlier in this post dead seriously, and not only that but she countered my clearly joking statement by whining at me, even after I told her that I was joking and being sarcastic. Not only is it plain bucking rude to be obnoxious about your counter argument, which I dislike already, but you showed me that my brain had categorized you wrong. This is incredibly annoying for me, which is why I am writing this post. So please fit into my nice categorized boxes of people that divide everyone up into various sections based on qualities I know about them.

     Also, yes I am cynical about general subjects like "the government" or whatever, and I can be a bit blunt about something, but I do my best not to be rude. Do you know why? It isn't out of respect, but out of courtesy. I treat other human being as human beings, and I expect to be treated the same way. Respect is something I give to those worthy, but every human being and to an extent every living being has my courtesy. I will open the door for you if I am in front of you (unless you're like a tree or something), I will invite you to sit down at my couch if you come to my house, and I will strike up a conversation in a hopefully engaging manner. I expect to have the same courtesy in return, if not to the extent of opening a door for me, at least to the point where you will have the decentness in you to not be downright rude in a polite context. Therefore, I expect you to not being incredibly obnoxious in my face over a relatively trivial matter that you are not even connected to, and additionally hope that you will not be sarcastic all the time. I said I am sarcastic about 60% of the time, not all the time. You don't have to make an asshole comment every time I say a word. Hopefully you know who you are, person that I know, even though you don't read this blog, nor does anyone else.

(Note: I will be especially blunt on my blog, bordering on rude. So don't be offended by what I say ^^,)

I don't want this to be a big boring block of text, so here's a picture:

     Anyways, the rant I was on before this sub-rant that made me want to post this instead of doing my Algebra II homework was a not-so-trivial one in my opinion:

     Many people don't wash their hands after taking a leak, and I don't judge for that. But could you please make it possible for a clean person like me to wash his hands after I piss? Is it really so hard to have that? McDonalds has soap, lavatories on airplanes have soap, so why can't my local high school have a single soap dispenser? Is it really to difficult for the janitor to give the boys some soap to use? I have had to beg my classmates for Germ-X because nobody is generous enough to donate Germ-X to the classroom and, of course, all the bathrooms are out of soap. Yea, 900-ish guys use that place and yes, probably one or more of them will screw around with the soap dispenser. But I need to wash my hands. It is basic hygiene. If the janitor is too damn lazy to replace the soap dispenser, that is his fault and my school needs a new janitor. However, isn't necessarily the case, is it? It could be, perhaps, that new soap isn't in the bathrooms because the janitor isn't being paid enough. Who is responsible for that? The school district. Yes, the school district should also be paying the janitor more, and they should fix that for certain. However, their funds are a bit limited too. They have to get by with what they have. Do you know why the school district has so little money? Because the United States government is too focused with making money to corporations and the sort by spending so much money on the military and about jack squat on the education. Therefore, I conclude that the government is responsible for the lack of hygiene in my school.

     (Note to everyone: This is an extension of my humor. I enjoy writing partially fake and partially real rants about my problems in real life. I don't actually blame the government for the lack of soap in my high school. However, I do want there to BE soap in the bathrooms soon. So do it, please, my school!)

    Also, a few other clarifications about this possibly confusing post:

• If I don't think you understand my humor I will try to avoid it, I do not think you are inferior to me in any way, you are my equal in every way. I just don't expect you to see when I am joking.
• I am not angry at the person I am referring to in this post, conversations with this individual can be a bit troublesome or tedious for me due to the miscommunications that occur.
• I really do want the soap issue fixed, but I do not blame the US government for the lack of soap.
• This post as a whole is not a joke, but the second rant (the one that starts off with "Many people don't...") is an example of some of my more indirect humor that I believe some people would either be offended by, simply wouldn't get, or would take too seriously.
• If you think you know who you are and you were really bored enough to read this entire post, do tell me.

...And that's how Equestria was made: FIX THE SOAP DISPENSERS, DON'T MISINTERPRET WHAT I SAY!

And, as always, have a good day.