Monday, December 23, 2013


(Yes, this is weird. I enjoy snow though.)


 Snow is love. It is wonderful, blissful, peaceful. It is God’s acceptance of this world. I don’t
 mean God as the Christian God necessarily. I mean God as in life, this universe, whether if
has an omnipotent force or not. The universe loves all that is within itself. It is capable of fashioning things we can only dream of. No matter how large or small, young or old, kind or hateful you think our universe is, it doesn’t care. Unconditional love is a thing people pretend to have, and this isn’t bad. Imitation is a form of flattery. You can love or hate snow, but it will always love you. It is cold, fast, and it can be frightening. People have died in the snow. But it means no harm. When you were a child, undoubtedly you picked at a scab or bit your fingernails or picked your nose or something of the sort. You didn’t understand that this didn’t help anything. Snow doesn’t understand either. Snow is a child. Snow is the child of the world. It means no harm. In it’s true form you can see that it is a child. It is beautiful and capable of something many people forget they are capable of - unconditional love. A young child loves it’s mother in a deep way, no matter what the circumstance. Anybody is capable of this, but so many people forget it. There is no set meaning in life, and you can do whatever you want. But most likely, if you do something harmful to others they will retaliate. Whether or not you meant to do it is not important to them. But snow doesn’t mind. You can yell at snow, you can stomp on it, you can even melt it, but it does not care. It loves you unconditionally, and there is nothing you can do to keep it from feeling this way. Like a child’s affection for it’s mother. And in the end, all that really matters is love. You may worry about other things, you may be concerned with finished college or getting a job or beating a game or making money or a trillion other things, but in the end, none of those matter. It’s the unconditional love that matters. 

Thank you, reader, and have a lovely December Solstice, no matter who or what you are.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Art - Summer-Fall 2013

All of this art was done in 2013, primarily in the late summer or fall (after school started). More art to come! Possibly at the end of the year I will upload my portfolio that I've been making in my Digital Photography class.

A Final Look Back
Photo taken and manipulated by me. I personally didn't care much for this one, but if I look at it for a while I find myself captured by it. 

Warehouse 56
Photo taken and manipulated by me. Subtle changes to the original, and it has the vibe I was looking for.

I got bored in class and we do have lots of keyboards. Simple, but I think it has a very likable look to it. Then again, I tend to both like and be ashamed of my art simultaneously.

The Moon Virus

Photograph taken by myself and modified a few weeks later in Photoshop. It may look cool at first, but when I study it more I like it less and less. It looks rather awkward.

Blue Fearless
Just a remake of my Fearless drawing. I added some grid-like things on the side for added effect.

I use this for my desktop. The original picture was awesome, and you should totally check out the dude who took it's website. It is some really cool photography and astronomy. Original picture:

Took the original picture myself. A simple Photoshop edit, but it looks cool-ish maybe.

 Lamp Glow
Was messing around with my Lamplight creation and thought this was worth putting on the website.

Original picture taken by myself. Transformations of color and hue and shade and stuff intended to make it look surreal. 

Alterations to original picture apparent, same original picture as Glowbeams though. Barely any increase to saturation and contrast. The original photo was quite a sight to see.

I personally don't care much for this one, it looks awkward and pixel-y. However, when I look at the things I did well with it I find myself liking it slightly more. Overall not perfect, but I think it could be worse.

 Temple of the Moon
I might have uploaded this on my older pictures post, but since this is a more recent endeavor I wanted to include it in my newer art list. More of a graphic design project than digital photography (despite the class I'm taking being digital photography) but I figure I used filters from Photoshop and shapes from Illustrator in an original manner.

This one is mainly just an experiment and a warm up (no pun intended) project, getting associated with the more advanced Photoshop features and applying more simple techniques to create an appealing photograph.

True Light Amid the Dark
Photo taken and modified by myself using Photoshop. I'm not sure if this is the final form of it as I was tempted to edit it in various manners when manipulating it in Photoshop, but we'll see.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Most Powerful Tool

    Communication. It is what brings us together and what tears governments apart. If we had no form of communication, think of what we could accomplish. The truth is that there is very little we can do alone, and being together is only possible thru communication. Sure, animals can communicate. Look at termites! They've build structures taller than basketball players by working together. Even if their form of communication seems primal and strange to us, you must admit that the work they do together is phenomenal. Communication means progress, advancement, and the better we communicate the more effectively we grow.

    Twenty-five hundred years ago, the only form of communication was thru speech and maybe the occasional writing to keep history. Fifteen-hundred years ago, there was little difference other than the spread of the Bible. Five-hundred years ago it was virtually the same, though more people were literate and able to send and receive letters. One hundred-fifty years ago, Americans were using telegrams in the Civil War to relay information to generals within the hour of them being sent. People could now know what is going on within an hour. A hundred years ago we were developing the system of "calling" someone, where you could speak to them from miles away. Fifty years ago, we were watching the news, something that had to be read on a paper you had to catch from a newsboy, and that didn't exist in Caesar's time. And now, today, we send messages instantly. Not recorded, not thought out often, just our thoughts put onto YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Emails, Text messages, facetimes, group calls, the list goes on and on.

     The speed of communication that allows us to send and receive messages and information seconds after they've been composed is incredible. Somebody could literally start reading this post (not like anybody does right now) one second after I hit "publish". It is incredible, and you must realize how much the mass communication helps universal progress (well, one may ask what universal progress is, how do we know we are advancing, and is that advancement right? I'll answer that later perhaps :) and the lives that have been saved by the communication. Just over two centuries ago, in America, 1812, a large battle was fought, many people died. However, that battle actually happened after the United States and Britain declared peace. The reason why people still fought that battle was because of slow communication. Letters signaling peace wouldn't arrive for days, if not weeks or even months! Today you can send a text and your friend gets it seconds after you send it. Back then, scientists, philosophers, and scholars couldn't really collaborate the way they can today. The best way was after months of planning, meet each other in one location for a period of time. Now people could spend twenty years across seas from each other and still communicate their newest findings to each other almost as if in a regular conversation.

     If you've seen the movie Gravity, you've seen what it is like not to have instant communication. We've come to rely on it, and much as it may seem a bad thing to rely on such a hypothetically and metaphorically thin thread, it benefits us very greatly. We can achieve great and amazing things due to this. So next time you send a text message, think about how much quicker it is than it would've been had you been forced to send a letter - that would've traveled on horseback mind you, not a mail truck. Also, a little contemplation, would you spend more time with individual text messages if they took three weeks to arrive at your recipient? Six weeks to get their response, mind you.

    So I communicate to you, reader, in a timely manner, to have a splendid day.

Monday, December 9, 2013


When one has something, they tend to treat it as ordinary. But when they lose it or don't have it, that thing suddenly becomes far more valuable. This is common and natural. However, I think it is necessary to appreciate things when they are there and dismiss it when they aren't. It makes you realize how good your life is. Think, if you could eat as much as you want, wouldn't your
life be great? Well, yes, but not for most people who eat as much as they want. Think, if you have as much money as you'll ever possibly need, won't your life just be perfect? Not for most people with that much money... Seeing a pattern yet? Things tend not to be as great as you expect. But I digress. Anyways, despite the difficulty in attempting to appreciate the things you have, you may end up liking your life more. Sure, you slept poorly, your coffee maker didn't work, and you forgot to walk the dog, but look on the other side. You have a bed! You ate a meal! You have enough money to afford a dog! Also, when you lose something, don't piss and moan to get it back. If there's no reasonable way to get it back, then just be happy you had it in the first place. When you get something, appreciate it. Always. If not for the thing itself, appreciate it for the gesture from the person or thing you got it from.

I know, short post, but thank you very much for reading and have a nice day.

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Peek Inside

     This is just a little peak inside my mind. Here's a glimpse of me, the two forces, whatever you may call them, (good vs evil, chaos vs order, love vs hate, whatever) that debate each other, on many a fine day.

     "Why worry about school? Why even go to school? All it does is rip more holes in the fabric of your emotions, spirituality, and ability to function. You'd be better of without it. What is the worst that can happen? You could be knocked out and taken to school, which really isn't that big of a deal. But there's just so much work. It is so heavy. Why carry it? You aren't being forced to. Who cares if you're lazy or not? Why should it matter to you? Anything for the pain, the mental pain, to go away. It would be a relief, escaping from reality. To get away from everything that you are hurt by. Need is based on a goal, but you have no good goals in life. Sure, you may want to be a physicist or a programmer or a writer or an engineer or whatever, but there's no motivation toward those. You just picked those things because they are fun and you excel at them. But there's no motivation. Even as you write this here, the endless struggle between work and laziness continue. But is a lack of motivation lazy? Your parents can get you to do an activity, but even they, despite them being close and amazing family members, can barely get you to do a short-term activity. How are you supposed to make it thru school? Why even bother making it thru school? It is four whole years. That is 1460.964 days. That is 126227289.6 seconds. And that's just high school. That doesn't include college at all. And yet, you somehow have set the goal for yourself to graduate from college with a Masters or higher? It is ridiculous that you imagine yourself becoming and important scientific figure for the world when you are barely motivated enough to go to school. You will never achieve anything great in the world of science. In computer programming, you might actually have a chance if you were willing to work on doing it, but somehow whenever you want to do "computer programming", it circles back to playing some game on the computer. And statistically speaking you won't become a successful writer. So why even bother trying?"

     At or before this point, the other side of me chooses to reply, "Why not? You don't want to do this, but other people want you to do it. Is your judgement superior to everyone else's? How so?" Also, sometimes the thought process of, "This will make you happy. It requires work, but you'll be happy in the end. Being happy is good. You like being happy. So do it so you can feel happy."

     Or, occassionally, on days like today, I need a bit of a reminder from my parents. Thank you very much. 

Even if I can get the motivation to simply do a single activity, it becomes so much harder if that activity requires effort. (This may be expanded upon later, but I can't expand upon this topic right now right now.)

     So do your best to not have a terrible day, in fact, have a terrific day, thank you very much for reading.

     (Note: I was feeling like everything in that huge block of text the morning of writing this, but I didn't finish writing it completely until the afternoon. Originally I was planning on ending it at that paragraph, but I'm a bit more cheery at the time of writing this note (later in the day) which is certainly a thing I am thankful for.) 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Online Counseling?

     Like it or not, things change. All you can do is decide whether or not to accept the changes that occur.

     Today and in the past, I have seemingly changed a person's mind on the internet. While of course the internet isn't exactly reliable, it has seemingly happened.

     I recall one day I was playing a game of Guns of Icarus when a teammate and I had a real conflict. I said something on the lines of, "I just want myself and everyone else to have a good time. You are perfectly allowed to have fun, or not have fun," and continued to talk about having a good time and that the conflict was rather silly. At the end of the game he apologized for his behavior and acted exceptionally kindly, as if I had brightened up that person's day. Even if for whatever reason they were faking the whole thing, it appeared to me as if I had influenced them to have a better day. 

     Another time, I was conversing with a chatty and relatively pair of "trolls" in a Minecraft game, when one of them said something like, "I don't really care what I'm doing." I responded by telling that individual that there are a million better things to do than troll a Minecraft minigame. The other one asked me if I was their mother, but the first one seemed somewhat unsure, and was typing things in like he was questioning the reasoning behind them trolling in the first place. After spouting out some of my beliefs and common advice that I believe are helpful things to say, in the chat I read, "Brother (Note: they had said earlier on that they were siblings) , stop!" from the second one. This leads me to believe that the one stopped trolling, at least for a moment.

Needed another text breaker! Some bubble-esque things I whipped together in Photoshop.

     Though my intention all along was to keep them from trolling, it was staggering to see one of them get it, even if it was for a mere moment. I play counselor because I find it entertaining, but when I legitimately make a person do something because of it, it gets scary. In fact, it's downright terrifying that I may have just changed the way a person's brain works even if it was just the slightest bit, and over a chat on the internet. The possibility that I just influenced a person's entire life with mere words. No matter how slim of a chance it was that I legitimately did influence them, it is still frightening. The power of words is immense, even in an anonymous location. I know it is relatively minor, the thought that I just MIGHT have influenced a person's life, but my crazy brain amplifies it into me playing god. The one in a million chance that I may have affected a person's life is, again, staggering. I'm repeating myself so much because it is what is running thru my head. That "what if". 

     Have I really changed a person's perception of the world? Even if it was for a mere day, or hour, or a sliver of a second. The way a person thinks is what shapes their beliefs, which shapes their actions, which shapes their reality. The idea that I could have led a person to do something, to change a person's reality, is mind boggling. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a YouTuber who legitimately has shaped a person's life, or a million people's lives. This kind of goes back to my hopes/expectations thing, I HOPE that I will make a person's life better when I say that, but I don't EXPECT it by any means.

     Anyways, have a nice day (if you do solely because I said so, I might faint! :)

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Expect Nothing, Hope for Everything

    There is a plague in this world. We all go through life being disappointed. We get our hopes expectations up for something, and they are dashed. Let's face it, no matter what you try, no matter what you do, this world isn't perfect. No matter how high you put your expectations, some things aren't going to work out smoothly. That is why you expect the worst. That is why you rely on your expectations. It is hard to not expect anything at times, but it is much easier not to put your whole life around your expectations. If you constantly set your expectations too high, you'll be disappointed. I can just about guarantee that. I personally have a hard time setting my expectations ridiculously low, since part of me knows better (even when that part of me is wrong). So what I do, is just don't rely on my expectations. When my expectations are too high for the situation, I can't say I really care that much. But when my expectations are too low, I get to be pleasantly surprised nevertheless.

     Two words people get mixed up are "hope" and "expectation". When your hopes don't come true, you may think something on the line of, "Shucks, that didn't happen", but you get over it. If you are expecting something and it turns out not to come true, you get disappointed. Results of disappointment may include, but are not limited to, lack of appetite, poor mood, laziness and lack of motivation, lack of creativity, anxiety, displeasure, or life seeming to just generally suck. Having absolutely no expectations is ideal, but I have a hard time not expecting anything in a given situation. Setting your expectations too low is good too, but if you really believe your expectations they still may inhibit you from doing things as effectively as possible, with them high or low. My solution is to just take your expectations with a grain of sand. For example, if you are a business owner and you expect your employees to all be on time, those expectations may or may not come true. If they don't, then don't get bent about it. Things happen. Maybe that late employee had to take care of their children, or got stuck in traffic during a five-car-wreck, or a million other things. (My personal opinion is to not even act bent with the employee, you want them to like you, not fear you, however that is for another time. Go thru life care-free but caring.) Anyway, if all your employees are on time, then be thankful for that. Tell your employees nice job for being on time. Things will get on your nerves about a thousand times the amount if you base the totality of existence on your expectations.

     I know it's a bit of an abrupt ending, but that's all. I hope (but don't necessarily expect) you to have a nice day!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Quick Summary Of This Blog

Just thought I would mention that this blog was originally created when I was about seven. At the time I thought dragons were real, and I was totally obsessed with them too. They were the most wonderful concept in the entire universe! I knew the difference between a Chinese dragon and a Tibetan dragon before I could even pronounce the word Tibetan. So it came to be that I made a blog about the wonderful, the MYSTERIOUS CREATURES of this world. Yea, I could've changed the URL if I wanted to, but again, this blog is now dedicated to my growth and maturity. I figure that the URL represents the earliest time of my blog. Later, after I grew out of my dragon phase, I started playing Spore. That game was fun to the fun'th power. I got to create my own creatures, and evolve them. Much of their stories were stored either in my noggin or in the game, but I wrote some stories about the creatures I made. I figured that Mystery Creatures was still a fitting title for the blog, since my creations were pretty mysterious...

After that my blog became used solely for the purpose of pictures, since Blogger is amazing about picture uploading. 

Finally, now, the present. So say hello to future me, as only me in the future will read what you comment in return about this post. (Unless I become the Doctor!)

So, have a nice day. Or tomorrow. Or yesterday....

Truth Within the Lies, Guilt

     I lie. I probably lie an unhealthy amount. But there is truth within my lies. I always know what I mean and mean what I say, and if you don't know what I say then I'll enjoy watching you figure it out. If I say ABC, I may mean XYZ. Yes, this is a lie. Or is it? Maybe it is merely a metaphor. Because I doubt that you will understand XYZ, I substitute ABC in for the sake of simplicity. Lets make it a bit less alphabetical. Say you have never seen a pear before. I could spend fifteen minute explaining it to you, all of it's qualities, or I could just tell you it is a sweet apple. You could see this in many ways, as a lie, a metaphor, a form of description, or crazy talk. My intention with statements such as these is to clarify that object without directly explaining it - again, I suspect that this process would take time compared to just calling it a sweet apple.

     Also, it's my job here to do the descriptions. Tis part of the reason for this blog. The world must know how my brain turns! 

Right click and "Copy Image URL" to go to the source.

     In addition to my obsession with lying, I can be rather vague in my statements. Now this is a legitimate problem of mine, being vague. (Am I spelling that right?) My vagueness has lead to the severe misinterpretations of statements that I have made. The lacking of words such as "in general" or "sometimes" may lead people to believe that I am one to stereotype, despite the fact that I do my best to avoid stereotyping and stereotypes. (My Little Pony Season 4 comes out in under 5 days, No Shave November is yielding a beard.) I can say one thing, but people get the wrong impression. If you read an earlier post of mine, I go into this in a little more detail about how people don't get my sense of humor or don't understand what I am saying (where I also rant about something that needed to by ranted about even though other may find it offensive. Again, if you are offended by it, my apologies, but it is my personal blog where I show my growth, development and maturing throughout time. So if you are offended by what I say, I will dismiss it as you misinterpreting what I say (since it is not intended to be offensive, yes this is a list of things to clarify upon within parentheses, I wrote a post about how I am offensive too, my little pun outside of parentheses was intentional.)

On a totally different topic (I was going to make a separate post about this, but I've been procrastinating on this topic forever so I might as well do it now), GUILT.

I feel so guilty about everything I say and do. Any and everything! I say something remotely unkind, I feel guilty for a year! I feel guilty about things I didn't do, or things I did when I was incapable of doing anything else. I feel guilty for insulting people on the internet even when I say I'm joking. I feel guilty for insulting people in real life, even when I'm joking! I feel guilty for lying! I feel guilty for making jokes, even if they were funny! I feel guilty for hidng the truth! Heck, I even feel guilty for making this post when I should be doing homework! I feel guilty for overusing exclamation marks! I feel guilty for feeling guilty even! How crazy is that???

But, as you may have noticed if you bothered to read that small list of things I am guilty for doing, I don't stop. Sometimes I just don't stop lying. I don't stop using exclamation marks. I don't stop making this post. I don't stop doing things I know I shouldn't do. And the only thing I can do to make myself feel better about this guilt train is talk about it with other people, which I feel guilty for doing even then. No, I am not trying to be "manly", but I hate doing it. And I feel guilty for the hate! It is endless, unstoppable, and I can never get over it without someone's help. But I refuse the help to my last breath. Going back to my lying, I lie about absolutely trivial matters that I don't care about. I lied about what I learned in school for absolutely no reason! I learned something in school and it would've been just as valid to say that, but for whatever reason I lied about it. And that makes me feel guilty. How is it possible for me to make it stop alone? I cannot ask anyone that, for I would be asking for help, which my subconscious refuses. I don't refuse help when it comes to something like a school project or whatever, but my mind is so stubborn about it's psychology, that it mustn't change despite the guilt that I go through every day. I say something rude to somebody's face and I regret it for a year. I made a snide comment about a kid I knew in sixth grade and I still feel guilt for it! I made a rude comment about somebody last year ON ACCIDENT, AND I APOLOGIZED FOR IT, and I still feel guilty about it today. If a method such as Confession worked, I would have to spend weeks confessing everything I feel guilty for. It's because of my damned standards. I have such low standards and expectations for everyone else, but not for me. So please, don't tell me to shut up here. This is the one place of confession, the one place where I can have a bit of self pity and not feel overly guilty for that. It is the little flame that keeps me alive in the Winter. But Spring is coming soon! I can feel it. (Know that I mean these seasons metaphorically, I know Winter hasn't arrived at the time of this post.)

And thats how Equestria was Made: I feel guilty about everything, I lie all the time, I pity myself too much.

And, as always, have a fantastically fabulous day.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Post in 60 Seconds

Quick! Only 45 seconds left! I am doing well today, comment about how well you are. I am making this very fast post because I really wanted to post something in addition to my rant and I actually spelled addition wrong accidentally it looked like addiction, it may have been a freudian slip, but probably not since I'm not addicted to things and yes this is a run-on sentence and oh crap I just went over a minute.

(Edit: Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!)

Sarcasm, Cynicism, and Joking

     Online it is different, but in real life about 60% of what I say is either sarcastic, cynical, or a joke, or a combination of the three. I will say things perfectly seriously like, "Because complaining will get you anything," and I assume that the people around me are intelligent enough to know that I'm joking. I say this because it is SO FREAKING OBVIOUS (to me at least) that I am joking when I say that. The reason why I think this is obvious, is it is well know by any mature human being that complaining does not solve your problems. In fact, often complaining makes your problems worse. (That's why I'm complaining right now :) The humor in a statement like the earlier one is that it is so silly and ridiculous to say such a thing that people may find it to be adequately humorous. If I am wrong, tell me, please. However, my brain is one to categorize the people I know into categories such as "will get my humor" or "won't get my humor" and I treat these people accordingly. I am not saying that one is inferior to the other, I am merely commenting on my expectations. Another thing about my brain, it doesn't like incorrectly categorizing things. Especially when all evidence is in favor of one, but they act the other way.

    For example, an anonymous friend took the joke I made earlier in this post dead seriously, and not only that but she countered my clearly joking statement by whining at me, even after I told her that I was joking and being sarcastic. Not only is it plain bucking rude to be obnoxious about your counter argument, which I dislike already, but you showed me that my brain had categorized you wrong. This is incredibly annoying for me, which is why I am writing this post. So please fit into my nice categorized boxes of people that divide everyone up into various sections based on qualities I know about them.

     Also, yes I am cynical about general subjects like "the government" or whatever, and I can be a bit blunt about something, but I do my best not to be rude. Do you know why? It isn't out of respect, but out of courtesy. I treat other human being as human beings, and I expect to be treated the same way. Respect is something I give to those worthy, but every human being and to an extent every living being has my courtesy. I will open the door for you if I am in front of you (unless you're like a tree or something), I will invite you to sit down at my couch if you come to my house, and I will strike up a conversation in a hopefully engaging manner. I expect to have the same courtesy in return, if not to the extent of opening a door for me, at least to the point where you will have the decentness in you to not be downright rude in a polite context. Therefore, I expect you to not being incredibly obnoxious in my face over a relatively trivial matter that you are not even connected to, and additionally hope that you will not be sarcastic all the time. I said I am sarcastic about 60% of the time, not all the time. You don't have to make an asshole comment every time I say a word. Hopefully you know who you are, person that I know, even though you don't read this blog, nor does anyone else.

(Note: I will be especially blunt on my blog, bordering on rude. So don't be offended by what I say ^^,)

I don't want this to be a big boring block of text, so here's a picture:

     Anyways, the rant I was on before this sub-rant that made me want to post this instead of doing my Algebra II homework was a not-so-trivial one in my opinion:

     Many people don't wash their hands after taking a leak, and I don't judge for that. But could you please make it possible for a clean person like me to wash his hands after I piss? Is it really so hard to have that? McDonalds has soap, lavatories on airplanes have soap, so why can't my local high school have a single soap dispenser? Is it really to difficult for the janitor to give the boys some soap to use? I have had to beg my classmates for Germ-X because nobody is generous enough to donate Germ-X to the classroom and, of course, all the bathrooms are out of soap. Yea, 900-ish guys use that place and yes, probably one or more of them will screw around with the soap dispenser. But I need to wash my hands. It is basic hygiene. If the janitor is too damn lazy to replace the soap dispenser, that is his fault and my school needs a new janitor. However, isn't necessarily the case, is it? It could be, perhaps, that new soap isn't in the bathrooms because the janitor isn't being paid enough. Who is responsible for that? The school district. Yes, the school district should also be paying the janitor more, and they should fix that for certain. However, their funds are a bit limited too. They have to get by with what they have. Do you know why the school district has so little money? Because the United States government is too focused with making money to corporations and the sort by spending so much money on the military and about jack squat on the education. Therefore, I conclude that the government is responsible for the lack of hygiene in my school.

     (Note to everyone: This is an extension of my humor. I enjoy writing partially fake and partially real rants about my problems in real life. I don't actually blame the government for the lack of soap in my high school. However, I do want there to BE soap in the bathrooms soon. So do it, please, my school!)

    Also, a few other clarifications about this possibly confusing post:

• If I don't think you understand my humor I will try to avoid it, I do not think you are inferior to me in any way, you are my equal in every way. I just don't expect you to see when I am joking.
• I am not angry at the person I am referring to in this post, conversations with this individual can be a bit troublesome or tedious for me due to the miscommunications that occur.
• I really do want the soap issue fixed, but I do not blame the US government for the lack of soap.
• This post as a whole is not a joke, but the second rant (the one that starts off with "Many people don't...") is an example of some of my more indirect humor that I believe some people would either be offended by, simply wouldn't get, or would take too seriously.
• If you think you know who you are and you were really bored enough to read this entire post, do tell me.

...And that's how Equestria was made: FIX THE SOAP DISPENSERS, DON'T MISINTERPRET WHAT I SAY!

And, as always, have a good day.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Critique Others

Edit: By me telling you, the reader, to ignore this, you have become all the more inquisitive. This post is really just me trying to make a point out of a point-less area. A friend of mine on League was being a douche and I told him to screw off. Simple as that. I'd just delete the entire post, but my intention with this blog is to show how I mature through a critical age. I hear that the teenage years are pretty whacky and I am currently living in them. Don't take this post seriously though, please. However, despite all of that, I think this lesson is valid and understandable even if the example is a bit derpy and it may seem a bit harsh. It can end up being useful in some scenarios, but there are plenty of others where it is bad advice. Try to be nice to your friends, but still tell them when they're doing the wrong thing.

Without further ado, here is the original post:

 Look, I'm a teenager. That means I'm probably a bit full of myself. But I think my point is still valid here. People can be nice if you're nice to them, but, to quote an anonymous person, "The person who is nice to you but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person." And people don't change easily. It's one thing to try to help them out, it's another thing to devote your life to coercing that person to be nicer.

     I lost a friend today on League of Legends. He used to be pretty nice, gave me tips on how to play my main, Diana, better. But for the past month he's gotten worse and worse. Multiple times he's been a bit rude to other players. I gave him a few more chances, but sometimes these things don't work out. Today he was toxically flaming another player on our team, pretty badly too. I told him to lighten up or it's over and we aren't playing together. His response was unfriending me. 

    Used to I wouldn't say a word about something like him flaming a teammate, and just go along with it. That's not happening anymore. I pick my friends and who I want to hang out with. As much as I love the moral of My Little Pony to make friends and be nice, you can't remain silent. Your friends aren't your friends if they tell you what to do. Your friends treat you as an equal, and they're nice and help you out if you're in a sticky situation. Sometimes you just can't be friends with someone, and you've got to feel OK with that. 

     Now look, if a friend of yours is mean or someone else to you one day, then chill. We all have our good and bad days, and some people have really really bad days. Give them time to get their act together, and try to help them out if they'll accept it. But if that friend is being consistantly rude to you and just people in general for more than a couple weeks, then tell them the truth, they're being a douche. Give it to them straight. If they somehow magically realize how rude they've been and you see an improvement in their behavior over the course of the next few days/weeks/months, then cut them some slack. If they continue acting like that, then just walk away. Don't think that because you're working with them on your science fair project, or you have the same lunch hour as them or even share half of your classes with them that you have to be friends.

     TL;DR (Too lazy; didn't read), pick your friends wisely, and don't feel like you have to be friends with someone. Be friends with who you want to be friends with.

And, as always, have a wonderful day.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Starcraft Maps

One of the many things I enjoy doing is making Starcraft maps. Here are pictures of all my completed maps:
Acid Marsh

Cold Front



Flora Lab 42


Primal Surge

Rugged Grounds

Terrazine Harvests 

Warp District

I would highly suggest looking at the full-sized version of these. I will deffinitely take criticism on how to improve my mapmaking but I will not change the maps I've already made. I will only implement these changes into new maps.

Thoughts on the Bronydom

     So, as you may be able to tell by my OC's below, I am a brony. Not a hardcore brony or anything, but I do enjoy watching the show My Little Pony. This first paragraph is a summary of what the rest of this post will be. The next paragraph will be about what a Brony is. The third paragraph will be about me being a brony, how I became a brony, and that sort. The beginning of the new paragraphs will have indentations, and the subsections to make the huge paragraphs seem less terrifying will not.

     For starters, a "brony" is a fan of the show My Little Pony. Brony is a universal term for both genders, but some female bronies prefer to be called "pegasisters". Bronies are mostly male, primarily in the age range of 20-35, and pretty normal people. The only real difference between them and your average joe is a brony is self-confident enough to be open that they enjoy watching a show with the demographic of young girls. Bronies are NOT perverts and pedophiles, nor are they manchildren who need to grow up. 

I am a bit young compared to most bronies, which to be honest (and maybe a bit arrogant or cocky) I think is a sign that I am pretty mature and self-confident, especially for my age group which is normally filled with hormonal young men and women who are unsure of what to do when it comes to many things. I want to keep this paragraph short, as there are many articles and other sources that describe the bronydom more effectively and thoroughly.

Wikipedia article:

     So, me being a brony. I am not going to be formal here and just speak my mind. Also, do not expect perfect grammar here. If I do have spotless grammar, then yay me, if not, then don't be dissapointed. Additionally, I may reuse openers to sentences. Since this is just me speaking my mind I will probably say the word "however" a lot. Sorry in advance if repetition bothers you.

A little bit of backstory beforehand, when I was younger I didn't understand the huge boundry between boys and girls. The two genders were so polarized in elementary school, especially in first and second grade. Honestly, I tended to side with the girls. In my opinion, girls and women are often more fun to talk to. Since I am a guy, I can kind of predict what most guys will say to me when it comes to advice. Obviously I enjoy talking to guys too, but girls are very good to talk to. They give me a lot of perspective since they are so different from me. 

I remember several times I would play a Powerpuff Girls minigame on Cartoon Network, secretly loving it but never telling ANYONE about it. I both was happy and was embarrased by the fact that I enjoyed hanging out with girls more than guys. And before you ask, I am not gay. Though I have wondered at times about my sexual orientation, I am very certain that I am either straight or bisexual, probably straight.

Some time I recall in the school year of 2012 (August 2011 - May 2012), I first heard about the brony fandom from a Youtuber I watch who dispises bronies. I dismissed it and thought that it was just some kind of stupid internet thing. Later, in late Spring or early Summer 2012, a brony on a Minecraft server I like called Cobaltium convinced me to watch an episode. I downloaded the first two episodes and watched them. They seemed boring and girlish to me, and once again I dismissed it. 

However, once the school year started back up again, I was FINALLY convinced to watch another episode of My Little Pony. The open-minded part of me won over. I watched Episode 13 of Season 2, and it convinced me to watch the next one. Just something about the writing and animation of the show convinced me to watch another episode. So I did. Then another, then another. Then I had watched all of Season 2. After that, I went back and watched all of Season 1. However, I still don't consider myself to have been a brony at that point. I loved the show, every bit of it, but thats all I did. I didn't get on any forums, I didn't look at the memes, and I didn't read any of the comics. 

I went through Season 3 and loved it too. It kept me alive during the second semester of school. However, I was a bit dissapointed to find it was only a half season. This half season was perfect, as it made me so eager to see the My Little Pony: Equestria Girls movie when it came out, even if I didn't expect much of a movie that turned my favorite ponies into humans. Then EG came out in summer of 2013. When I finished watching that movie, my life changed. That movie was flawed, for certain, but at that point I became a brony. I started looking at the pony memes on Cheezburger. But even then I wasn't a huge brony, I was only looking at the Cheezburger memes. Then I went to Summerscape. I had gone to Summerscape before and loved it, but my experiences at Summerscape is for another post. At Summerscape, I encountered quite a few bronies. They basically amplified my brony side by about 50. I became a MUCH bigger fan.
When I returned from Summerscape, I bookmarked Equestria Daily, began roleplaying on Legends of Equestria, subscribed to several people who analyzed the world of MLP, and rewatched many of the noteworthy episodes. I also created three new OC's, which you can see the pictures of below. Their stories and personalities are on Legends of Equestria, my username is Zedd. I am not the musician though, sorry. Anyways, upon returning to school I began making friends with some of the bronies at my high school. 

That leads me up to now, about a month into school and writing on my blog about bronies. I am a brony, for certain. There are many little stories I could discuss about what I've done because I'm a brony and what would've happened if I wasn't, but I probably won't post them, and if I do it will be later, probably much later.

(Update on October 29: Still very much into the fandom, but I'm not on LoE anymore. I have been interacting with fellow bronies and making my eyes love my brain from all the beautiful DeviantArt with ponies in it.)

Thank you very much for reading, and have a wonderful day.

Friday, September 13, 2013

I Sometimes Think I'm Rude

I have been given new information that suggests that this post is actually a very common though process among people my age and a little bit older, despite it possibly not being entirely true. However, here is the original post:

As most people who know me know, I can get rather hotheaded, excited, or annoying at times. I can't give an explanation other than "hormones". However, I am sorry for all of my misbehaviors. I know, I know, we all make mistakes, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't feel bad about them. I love typing, texting, or chatting with someone. By talking to them in real life, I can say something insensitive or rude on accident and I can't take it back. By typing, I can edit/remove my comment, or proofread what I'm typing before hitting "enter". I say so many insensitive things and I always feel awful afterwords, but the number of rude, insensitive, or downright ignorant things I say on the computer are greatly reduced. 

Anyways, this is just an apology for all the things that I have said and will say.

[Edit: I do say insensitive things on the internet too, just not quite as frequently.]

Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!


My OC's. That is all. Just didn't want to lump them with all my other artwork since they serve a separate function in theory.

From Spore

Pictures of all my Spore creations. Everyone can come up with their own names.