Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Critique Others

Edit: By me telling you, the reader, to ignore this, you have become all the more inquisitive. This post is really just me trying to make a point out of a point-less area. A friend of mine on League was being a douche and I told him to screw off. Simple as that. I'd just delete the entire post, but my intention with this blog is to show how I mature through a critical age. I hear that the teenage years are pretty whacky and I am currently living in them. Don't take this post seriously though, please. However, despite all of that, I think this lesson is valid and understandable even if the example is a bit derpy and it may seem a bit harsh. It can end up being useful in some scenarios, but there are plenty of others where it is bad advice. Try to be nice to your friends, but still tell them when they're doing the wrong thing.

Without further ado, here is the original post:

 Look, I'm a teenager. That means I'm probably a bit full of myself. But I think my point is still valid here. People can be nice if you're nice to them, but, to quote an anonymous person, "The person who is nice to you but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person." And people don't change easily. It's one thing to try to help them out, it's another thing to devote your life to coercing that person to be nicer.

     I lost a friend today on League of Legends. He used to be pretty nice, gave me tips on how to play my main, Diana, better. But for the past month he's gotten worse and worse. Multiple times he's been a bit rude to other players. I gave him a few more chances, but sometimes these things don't work out. Today he was toxically flaming another player on our team, pretty badly too. I told him to lighten up or it's over and we aren't playing together. His response was unfriending me. 

    Used to I wouldn't say a word about something like him flaming a teammate, and just go along with it. That's not happening anymore. I pick my friends and who I want to hang out with. As much as I love the moral of My Little Pony to make friends and be nice, you can't remain silent. Your friends aren't your friends if they tell you what to do. Your friends treat you as an equal, and they're nice and help you out if you're in a sticky situation. Sometimes you just can't be friends with someone, and you've got to feel OK with that. 

     Now look, if a friend of yours is mean or someone else to you one day, then chill. We all have our good and bad days, and some people have really really bad days. Give them time to get their act together, and try to help them out if they'll accept it. But if that friend is being consistantly rude to you and just people in general for more than a couple weeks, then tell them the truth, they're being a douche. Give it to them straight. If they somehow magically realize how rude they've been and you see an improvement in their behavior over the course of the next few days/weeks/months, then cut them some slack. If they continue acting like that, then just walk away. Don't think that because you're working with them on your science fair project, or you have the same lunch hour as them or even share half of your classes with them that you have to be friends.

     TL;DR (Too lazy; didn't read), pick your friends wisely, and don't feel like you have to be friends with someone. Be friends with who you want to be friends with.

And, as always, have a wonderful day.