Monday, December 23, 2013


(Yes, this is weird. I enjoy snow though.)


 Snow is love. It is wonderful, blissful, peaceful. It is God’s acceptance of this world. I don’t
 mean God as the Christian God necessarily. I mean God as in life, this universe, whether if
has an omnipotent force or not. The universe loves all that is within itself. It is capable of fashioning things we can only dream of. No matter how large or small, young or old, kind or hateful you think our universe is, it doesn’t care. Unconditional love is a thing people pretend to have, and this isn’t bad. Imitation is a form of flattery. You can love or hate snow, but it will always love you. It is cold, fast, and it can be frightening. People have died in the snow. But it means no harm. When you were a child, undoubtedly you picked at a scab or bit your fingernails or picked your nose or something of the sort. You didn’t understand that this didn’t help anything. Snow doesn’t understand either. Snow is a child. Snow is the child of the world. It means no harm. In it’s true form you can see that it is a child. It is beautiful and capable of something many people forget they are capable of - unconditional love. A young child loves it’s mother in a deep way, no matter what the circumstance. Anybody is capable of this, but so many people forget it. There is no set meaning in life, and you can do whatever you want. But most likely, if you do something harmful to others they will retaliate. Whether or not you meant to do it is not important to them. But snow doesn’t mind. You can yell at snow, you can stomp on it, you can even melt it, but it does not care. It loves you unconditionally, and there is nothing you can do to keep it from feeling this way. Like a child’s affection for it’s mother. And in the end, all that really matters is love. You may worry about other things, you may be concerned with finished college or getting a job or beating a game or making money or a trillion other things, but in the end, none of those matter. It’s the unconditional love that matters. 

Thank you, reader, and have a lovely December Solstice, no matter who or what you are.