Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Overdramatic & Romanticized

I find myself slightly annoyed by this time period. Everything is so vastly romanticized and dramatized. Look at the media. Everything is dramatizing what really happens. The news - everywhere - is making a small deal into a huge catastrophe. The exaggeration of events today goes so far, and it bothers me. Can I listen to one song that isn't so dramatic? I'm not saying that there should be no embellishments of a story or whatnot, but chill out with it. I try to keep these blog posts casual, like talking to a colleague over a cup of tea at a café. In fact, that'd be my preferred method of hearing someone discuss change. Not some gigantic video with double-meaning rhymes about the internet's affect on an individual. Just a casual conversation on the issue on the internet, please.

While on the one hand, romanticism is currently better for persuasion since humans today respond heavily to emotional stuff, it is tiresome and boring. Again, exaggeration in moderation can be great, but it is going so far overboard today. There's a line between telling a probably-embellished story and an over-the-top parable. Stop crossing it. Look at just about any magazine you'll see at a store. Over-the-top romanticized depictions of people that are unrealistically idealized and are frankly stupid to look at. I'm not saying that a little bit of retouching here and there doesn't improve the looks of something, but there is a huge different between removing a zit on somebody's nose and creating an impossibly idealized image of a human being. Can we stick to just Photoshopping a zit out without creating a hopeless pile of idealization that frankly looks like one massive anus?

Thank you, and have an alright-but-not-hopelessly-idealized day.

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